
Placebo - Wonder treatment

Placebo - Wonder treatment  Concept   The placebo effect is when a person's health improves after taking a treatment that has no therapeutic benefit. A placebo is a substance or procedure that looks real but is inactive.  How do placebos work?  Expectations: A person's expectations of feeling better can contribute to the placebo effect. Belief: A person's belief in the treatment can contribute to the placebo effect. Doctor-patient relationship: The relationship between the patient and the doctor can contribute to the placebo effect. History The word placebo has been used in English since the 13th century, and in medicine since the late 18th century. The term comes from the Latin word placeo, which means "I please".  In the 13th century , placebo was used to refer to the vespers for the dead in the Roman Catholic Church. In the 14th century , placebo was used to mean "flatterer" or "to flatter" . In the late 18th century , placebo was used to de...

Crop Circles -Mystery Revealed or NOT

Crop Circles - Mystery Revealed or NOT What is Crop Circle? Crop circles are patterns made by flattening crops in fields, often in a circular shape. They are most commonly found in fields of wheat, corn, or rice, and claimed to be made by UFO. Why Crop Circles are made? Crop circles are usually made by humans as hoaxes, art, or advertising. When Crop Circles appeared first? In 1678 a pamphlet titled "Mowing-Devil" was published in Hertfordshire, England. It claimed the devil mowed farmers crops and left strange circles, it is first recorded case of crop circles. Mystery Revealed  Doug Bower and Dave Chorley planned their first circle in a pub in Winchester in 1978 and put it down with four-foot sticks. After people came to see their circle on Cheesefoot Head, crop circles, increasingly complex, appeared in Canada and elsewhere. Bower and Chorley wanted people to think the circles were made by flying saucers.That was part of the fun. They were doing 20 ...

Helicopter Vertical take-off

Helicopter Vertical Take-off  At the heart of a helicopter’s ability to soar into the sky lies its rotor system. Unlike airplanes, which rely on forward motion to generate lift across their wings, helicopters create lift directly through the rotation of their blades. The Physics of Vertical Lift Bernoulli's principle -Explains how the faster air above a rotor blade creates lower pressure than the slower air below it. Newton's third law of motion  -States that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction -Explains how the downward thrust of air by a rotor blade creates an upward lift Four forces at work (Lift, weight, Thrust and drag). Explanation   The shape of the rotor blade and the angle of attack cause air to move faster over the top of the blade The faster air above the blade creates lower pressure than the slower air below it The rotor blade pushes air downward, which creates an upward reaction force (lift) Challenges of Ver...

What is Dark Matter?

What is Dark Matter? (Picture of black matter by NASA)Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its influence by observing how its gravity bends and distorts light from more-distant objects. Dark matter is a hypothetical substance that has the following properties:  Invisible Dark matter is not visible because it does not absorb, reflect, or emit light. It is also not affected by electricity or magnetism.  Gravitational effect Dark matter's existence is inferred from the gravitational effect it has on visible matter.  Makes up most of the universe Dark matter is thought to make up about 85% of the mass in the universe, outweighing visible matter roughly six to one.  Difficult to detect Dark matter is difficult to detect because it does not interact with ordinary baryonic matter and radiation except through gravity.  What possibly be black matter Composition of? Scientists speculate that dark matter could be composed of baryons or non-baryonic ...

Is Air a matter?

Is Air a matter? What is matter? Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter. Proving Air has mass? Experiments that can demonstrate that air has weight: Balloon balance Inflate two balloons to the same size and tie them to opposite ends of a balance's lever. The balloons will hang at the same height. Then, pop one of the balloons. The lever will tilt towards the deflated balloon, showing that the inflated balloon weighs more because it contains air. So air has weight. Proving Air occupies space? Inverted tumbler in water Place an empty base cut bottle, with balloon on the other side, into a bowl of water.  When the bottle in pushed in bowl the balloon pop with air.  Empty bottle had air, when pushed in water, water pushes air in other end that has balloon pop up.  So air need space  Complied by Hridya Singh Class 6 D

Infant Universe in Plasma state

Infant Universe in plasma state I Before the Start There is no evidence of a universe before the Big Bang, but here are some theories about the universe's origins:  Steady state theory Proposed in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Herman Bondi, and Thomas Gold, this theory suggests that the universe has no beginning or end.  Multiverse theory Proposed by Stephen Hawking, this theory suggests that our universe is one of an infinite number of bubble universes that coexist.  Pulsating theory This theory suggests that the universe has no beginning or end, but instead exists infinitely with cycles repeating over time.  Oscillating universe theory This theory suggests that the universe undergoes periods of expansion and contraction. II Big bang - The birthing The Big Bang theory is the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, which proposes that the universe began as an extremely hot and dense state about 13.8 billion years ago.  Infant Universe in Plasma state - What...

A Simple water drop as natural lens to magnify objects

A Simple drop of Water can function as a natural lens to magnify objects. A drop of water acts as a natural lens because its curved surface bends light rays, making objects appear larger:  Why Shape The surface tension of water causes the molecules to form a rounded, convex shape. Light bending The convex curvature of the water drop bends light rays inward, creating an enlarged image on the retina of your eye. Magnification The smaller the droplet, the more magnification, but it's also harder to focus. Distortion If the water drop moves or changes shape, the image will be distorted. The principle of water droplets as lenses was used in early microscopes, such as those used by Anton van Leeuwenhoek  (1632-1723). He perfected these early microscopes by using carefully prepared glass beads, similar in shape to your water droplet. Although difficult to use, these microscopes were powerful, able to magnify up to 200x. Experiment To try this experiment, you will need: - water - a pi...